Himalayan Pink Salt

Salt is one of the most basic and ubiquitous food seasonings. Typical table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as anti-flow and anti-caking agents. Table salt is bleached and processed with excessive heat that alters the natural chemical structure and destroys essential trace minerals. Hazardous molecules such as iodine and fluoride are added along with toxic substances like aluminum hydroxide (used as an anti-moisture additive).

This processing takes the "life" out of the salt making the unnatural sodium chloride and chemical fillers more challenging to metabolize. The body must sacrifice tremendous amounts of energy and up to 23 times the cell water to neutralize the damaging effects of the salt. The inability of the body to effectively neutralize these toxic substances results in: Unsightly cellulite, Rheumatism, arthritis & gout, Kidney & Gall Bladder stones, High Blood Pressure.

Many people have turned to sea salts for their regular salt usage. Unfortunately, many of our lakes and oceans are loaded with toxic poisons like mercury, PCBs and dioxin. Oil spills can toxify a lake or ocean's salt stores for decades after the incident. Over 85% of all sea salt producers are using a refining process for their salt production. Based on this understanding it is wise to assume that sea salt can no longer be trusted as a pure source of essential salts.

Pink salts are one of the very few varieties of salts that have remained pure and stable in nature. Natural pink salts are known for their essential trace minerals and their ability to regulate cellular fluid balance. These salts take on their color due to the presence of iron oxide and their abundance of essential trace minerals. These minerals are in a very small colloidal form and inter-connected in structure allowing for easy absorption and a nutrient synergy that exponentially enhances their effect in the body.

Pink salt is often labeled based on its geography. The most reputable type of pink salt is Himalayan Salt although it is also found in Hawaii, Australia, Peru, Utah, and Poland.

Contrary to popular belief these salts do not elevate blood pressure. Their ability to regulate fluid balance allows them to naturally stabilize blood pressure at a healthy and supportive level for the body. Some of the other benefits of pink salts include:

  • Promoting blood sugar health
  • Energy Production (hydro-electrical)
  • Absorption of food particles
  • Supports vascular & respiratory health
  • Promoting sinus health
  • Prevention of muscle cramps
  • Promoting bone strength
  • Regulating your sleep & moods
  • Supporting your libido
  • Enhances immune function
  • Stabilizes heart rate & blood pressure
  • Extracts excess acidity

Pink salts provide a great remedy for asthma and allergy symptoms as well. The salts have a unique ability to unplug the thick mucus secretions in the lungs & stop overflow of nasal secretions when water is plentiful. Taking it as a natural anti-histamine, one can drink 2-3 cups of purified water with a pinch of healthy salts.

Remember to listen to your body when it comes to the use of these powerhouse salts. Certain body types depend on more salts than others. If you crave salts, you are typically in need of trace minerals. Follow your instincts and use a bit more pink salt on your foods. If you have no craving for salts then only use small amounts of pink salts.

Price: IDR 12,000. Size: 50 grams (1.763 ounce)

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