Organic Flours

1. Organic Uwi Flour (Winged Yam, Water Yam, Hawaiian Yam, Dioscorea alata L.)

Wild yam has been used as a form of traditional herbal Chinese medicine for a long time. It is mainly used for the proper functioning of the renal and the female endocrine system. For instance, its root has been traditionally given to lactating women. also helps decrease water retention and alleviates nausea during pregnancy. ams have high levels of Vitamin B6, which is a popular supplement for women suffering from depression due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

The rate of conversion of the complex carbohydrates and fiber, present in yam, into sugar is very slow and their absorption rate into the blood stream is also very slow. Thus, they help maintain the blood sugar level. In addition, due to their high fiber content, yams help control the body weight, by the uniform distribution of weight without transferring extra weight to the hip area or the waistline. Yams are rich in manganese, which is an essential factor for the metabolism of carbohydrate and antioxidant defenses. It is also a co-factor in a number of enzymes that are related to the production of energy. Yam supplies elements that are important for optimal glandular function and benefits the respiratory, urinary and nervous systems.

Another positive trait of yam is that it helps control high blood pressure or hypertension. This is because of the fact that yams are a good source of potassium, which helps maintain the blood pressure level. Yams also aid the process of digestion, by dilating vessels and stimulating bile flow.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,500

2. Organic Pati Garut Flour (Arrowroot)

There are many health benefits of arrowroot. Some of these include: the mashed rhizomes of arrow root are used on septic wounds and scorpion and black spider bites as it draws out the poison from the injured area, used to cure gangrene, it is a powerful antidote for vegetable poisons, very useful in aiding digestion and helps to regulate bowel movement, treatment of smallpox, and it is widely used as a medicine by people having dietary restrictions.

Arrowroot is primarily used for its soothing benefit and its effect in dealing with diarrhea. It relieves excessive acidity, nausea, indigestion, and colic and is a mild laxative. It is also used to treat athlete's foot, not because it is antifungal but because the starchy powder removes moisture when sprinkled in socks.

Arrowroot has a large number of culinary uses. It is used in sauces, biscuits, jellies, cakes, puddings, fruit pie fillings, and glazes as a thickening agent. It is also used as a replacement for corn starch. Arrowroot powder can also be used in place of flour. Arrowroot powder mixed with water is cooled into a jelly like substance that is used for weaning infants.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 24,000

3. Organic Sukun Flour (Artocarpus Altilis/Breadfruit)

Bread fruit has the health benefit of providing high energy to those who eat it through its carbohydrate, carbohydrates that the body needs for warmth and maintenance during daily activities.

Not only is breadfruit a rich source of energy, breadfruit also contains significantly high amounts of fiber. According to the American Heart Association fiber decreases bad cholesterol and triglycerides which increases heart attack risks. An increased intake of fiber lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the body, while elevating HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body. Breadfruit protects the body against heart disease and heart attacks.

Additionally, the fiber found in breadfruit can help those with diabetes to control the disease. Research shows that fiber can control diabetes by reducing the absorption of glucose from the food we eat.

Another health benefit of breadfruit is that breadfruit helps to make our intestines and bowels work properly. Fiber regulates bowel movements and clears out the buildup of junk from our intestines; eating breadfruit on a regular basis can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

4. Organic Umbi Ungu Flour (Purple Sweet Potatoes)

Sweet potato contain unique root storage proteins that have been observed to have significant antioxidant capacities. In one study, these proteins had about one-third the antioxidant activity of glutathione-one of the body's most impressive internally produced antioxidants. Although future studies are needed in this area, count on these root proteins to help explain sweet potatoes' healing properties.

This root vegetable qualified as an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), a very good source of vitamin C and manganese, and a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.

Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are a good source of anthocyanins and have the highest antioxidant activity among sweet potato varieties. In one study, the antioxidant activity in purple sweet potato was 3.2 times higher than that of a blueberry variety.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

5. Organic Singkong Flour (Cassava)

Cassava can decrease significantly the (LDL) low density lipoprotein which is known as “bad” cholesterol. It may also helps in the lowering triglyceride levels due to its high total dietary fiber content. Dietary fiber has been associated with lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and helps also in the control of diabetes.

Cassava root is very rich in starch and contains considerable amounts of calcium, dietary fiber, iron, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Cassava flour does not contain gluten, an allergenic protein found in wheat, barley, oats and rye. It is also known as tapioca flour which it can be used by gluten intolerant people to replace wheat flour.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

6. Organic Gembili Flour (Lesser Yam, Dioscorea Esculenta)

Yams are high in Vitamin C, dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese; while being low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Vitamin C, dietary fiber and Vitamin B6 may all promote good health. Furthermore, a product that is high in potassium and low in sodium is likely to produce a good potassium-sodium balance in the human body, and so protect against osteoporosis and heart disease. Having a low level of saturated fat is also helpful for protection against heart disease.

Yam products generally have a lower glycemic index than potato products, which means that they will provide a more sustained form of energy, and give better protection against obesity and diabetes.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

8. Organic Ganyong Flour (Canna Root, Indian Shot, Canna discolor L. syn. C. edulis)

Contains high calcium and phosphor compared to potato, other roots, and thus beneficial for the development of baby bones and teeth.

For every 100 grams, contains: 95.00 calories, 1.00 grams of protein, fat, 0.11 grams, 22.60 grams carbohydrates, 21.00 grams of calcium, phosphorus 70.00 grams, 1.90 mg of iron, vitamin B1 0 , 10 mg, vitamin C 10.00 mg, and 75.00 grams of water.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

9. Organic Pati Talas Flour (Coco Yam, Colocasia esculenta L. Schott)

Coco yam is very rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium, which help control high blood pressure and protect the heart. It is very rich in dietary fibre too, and good for proper glucose metabolism. Popular amongst diabetics in Africa, may be due to its content of loose carbohydrate in form of starch rather than sugar.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 29,000

10. Organic White Rice Flour

There are almost 25,000 varieties of rice all over the world, but the most commonly consumed ones are white rice and brown rice. Although brown rice is healthier of the two, white rice is more enjoyed by the people. It is the milled rice, which has its husk, bran and germ removed, is known as white rice. The rice grains are then polished to give them a bright, white and shiny appearance. White rice has numerous health benefits, such as providing fast and instant energy, aiding good bowel movement and providing essential source of vitamin B1 to human body.

White rice is a natural tonic, has diuretic properties, is free from cholesterol and has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. The rice is a great source of dietary fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system, since it helps to keep the body systems regular. It contains protein, which is important for muscle growth and muscle repair. The nutrient also forms an important part of hair, nails and skin.
White rice contains a high amount of manganese, which helps the immune system as well as bone growth. Since it is low in fat, the rice is good for people looking for ways to lose weight.

It is gluten free, thus allowing people to consume it easily, especially the ones who find it difficult to tolerate the protein found in wheat, barley, oats and rye.
White rice contains vitamin B1, which is essential for a healthy heart and nervous system. It contains resistant starch, which reaches the bowel undigested, thus encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria and keeping the bowel healthy.
Since the rice is low in sodium, it is recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. The powdered form of white rice is used to treat many forms of skin ailments. White rice flour is used to make a poultice that helps in treating acne, measles, burns and hemorrhoids.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 14,000

11. Organic Red Rice Flour

Red rice being whole grains is a good source of three kinds of anti-oxidants, water soluble, insoluble and fat soluble. These oxidants are multifunctional and keep releasing energy for a longer period of time. The fact that anti-oxidants guard our heart, consumption of red rice becomes more crucial to minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Red rice contains most of the minerals as it contains a part of bran in it. This is one of the most important benefits of red rice. It contains magnesium and calcium in large quantities. Magnesium helps reduce asthma, migraine attacks, lowers blood pressure, and lowers risk of heart attacks. It also helps regulate the nervous system and tones our muscles. Magnesium together with calcium helps build strong bones and prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.

Lignans converted to enterodiole and enterolactone are inversely related to death. Red rice is a source of plant lignan that protects us from death as it gets converted to enterodiole and enterolactone. This is one of the lesser known benefits of red rice which cannot be ignored at any cost.

Red rice is a source of carbohydrate that supplies us energy as well as the nutrients of bran oil that is Omega-3 fatty acids. It is because red rice has some part of bran left on it. Bran oil is believed to reduce cholesterol or LDL-low density lipoprotein, cholesterol which is the root cause of many diseases. Fibers present in red rice are extremely healthy for heart. Red rice helps keep blood sugar levels at normal and highly beneficial for diabetic patients. It also help minimize risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and many other types of cancers. Because they keep away hunger, it is highly beneficial for obese as they tend to reduce frequency of food intake. Thus consumption of red rice is beneficial in preventing and controlling many deadly diseases.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 15,000

12. Organic Black Rice Flour

Black Rice Flour is a gluten free flour made from organically grown black rice. This countains high anti oxidant as well as potasium and magnesium that is useful to control free radicals and blood pressure. Black rice gets its dark color from the presence of flavonoid pigments known as anthocyanins, plant based pigments with strong antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins are the same pigments that give many dark red and purple berries such as blackberries, dark cherries, and raspberries their rich color and health benefits. Anthyocyanins are being studied for their role in preventing a variety of chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Much of their benefit appears to stem from their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2008 showed that an extract from black rice in mice helped to prevent progression of atherosclerotic plaques in the main arteries of the heart - the type that would ventually lead to a heart attack. It also lowered lipid components including triglycerides. In fact, black rice extract was found to be as powerful as the prescription drug Simvastatin, a drug used to lower cholesterol levels. This effect arises from the anthocyanins that are so abundant in black rice. Because of the anti-inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties of the anthocyanins found in black rice, this tasty grain may help to fend off heart attacks.

Black rice is a good source of minerals, including iron, as well as fiber and has a nutritional profile somewhat similar to brown rice. The presence of anthyocyanins gives it a nutritional edge over brown rice. Black rice, with its pleasing, nutty flavor, is a tasty alternative to less nutritious white rice and provides another healthy alternative to brown rice. It's more difficult to find than other types of rice, but many health food stores and Oriental markets now offer it. Expect to pay a little more for it than you pay for brown rice, but the extra cost may be worth it.

Netto: 500 grams (1.102 lbs. USA). Price: IDR. 20,500 Bookmark and Share
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